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Salle 3165-02
7101, avenue du Parc
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3N 1X9

Séminaire scientifique organisé par l'Institut de recherche en santé publique de l'Université de Montréal – IRSPUM

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What does a truly child-friendly city look like? Why should we worry about looking at cities through the eyes of children? And how can advocates make a compelling case to decision makers and the wider public?

In tackling these questions, Tim will argue that the idea of child-friendly urban planning has the power to unite advocates, policy makers and the public around the goal of expanding children’s everyday freedoms and improving cities for all.

Tim will draw out the lessons from his research and groundbreaking Churchill Fellowship study of child-friendly planning in Europe and Canada. He will set out the key components of a successful child-friendly urban planning initiative. He will offer insights into the actions of decision makers. And he will highlight the challenges and questions that we must address if we are to transform cities into places that are fit for children, and fit for the 21st century.

Conférencier : 
Tim Gill  
is an independent scholar and consultant based in London. He is interested in children’s play and free time, and their evolving relationships with the people and places around them. A former director of the Children’s Play Council (now Play England), he is a Built Environment Enabler for the Design Council. In 2017 he was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study child-friendly urban planning. The New York Times described his 2007 book No Fear: Growing up in a risk-averse society as “a handbook for the movement for freer, riskier play.” His website is

Kate Frohlich
, professeure titulaire au Département de médecine sociale et préventive de l'École de santé publique de l'Université de Montréal (ESPUM), chercheuse régulière à l'IRSPUM.

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