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2700, chemin de la Tour
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1J4

Titre : Le cycle de vie des mots de passe (The Password Life Cycle)

Conférencière : Dr. Elizabeth Stobert

Résumé :
Managing passwords is a difficult task for users, who must create, remember, and keep track of large numbers of passwords. In this talk, I will describe my work investigating users’ coping strategies for password management. Through a series of interviews, I identified a “life cycle” of password use and found that users’ central task in coping with their passwords is rationing their effort to best protect their important accounts. We followed up this work by interviewing experts about their password management practices, and found that experts rely on the same kinds of coping strategies as non-experts, but that their increased situation awareness of security allows them to better ration their effort into protecting their accounts. Finally, I conducted a survey study to explore how the life cycle model generalizes to the larger population and nd that the life cycle and rationing patterns can be seen in the broader population, but that survey respondents were less likely to characterize security management as a challenging task.

Bio :
Elizabeth Stobert is a researcher in the Concordia Institute for Information Systems Engineering. Her research is in usable security, examining the human factors affecting security systems. Her work is interdisciplinary and integrates research and perspectives from cognitive psychology into the design and evaluation of computer security systems. She received her PhD in computer science from Carleton University in 2015, and she was a senior researcher in the System Security group at ETH Zürich from 2015 to 2017. Her work has been published in prestigious HCI and computer security venues including SOUPS, ACM TOPS, ACM CCS, and IEEE TDSC, and she was the winner of the best paper award at the Passwords 2015 conference.

(Le séminaire se déroulera en anglais)

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