Between the EU and Russia : Transnational «Soft Power» and Societal Activis

Toute la journée

3744, rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal (QC) Canada  H3T 1X8

École d'été du CÉRIUM

The European Union's eastern members and their neighbors represent a zone of contact and of contestation, a meeting point between cultures, communities and social spaces. It is a ‘playground’ for political and socio-economic transformations in which states and diverse societal groups must navigate between the EU and Russia, between varied economic and political integration projects, and between different values, ideas and visions of society. Power relations in this Eastern zone influence the opening, closing, and transformation of political possibilities for EU integration.

This Summer School, organized the Jean Monnet BEAR Network (“Between the EU and Russia: Dimensions of Diversity and Contestation”), examines two aspects of this larger issue: the EU and Russia as transnational actors in regards to regional integration and “soft power” and the society activism in response to these integration projects.

*Cette école est une formation reconnue par le Barreau du Québec.

Responsables :

    • Magdalena Dembinska, Université de Montréal, département de science politique
    • Juliet Johnson, McGill University, département de science politique
    • Florence Seguin, coordonnatrice (UdeM-McGill)

Pour en savoir plus, cliquer ici.

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